Abraham A. Argun, Psy.D., FPPR.

Doctoral Studies:
PSY. D., Clinical Psychology
Pacific University (APA Approved)
Forest Grove, Oregon
Graduate Education:
M.S. Clinical Psychology
St. Francis University
Fort Wayne, Indiana
Clinical Psychology (APA Approved)
Tualatin Valley Mental Health
Portland, Oregon
Forensic Training Teaching & Practice:
Neuropsychological & Rehabilitation Psychology
Christensen & Associates: 1985-1987
Forensic Psychological consultant to CA Superior Courts: 1990- Present
Adjunct Faculty. ULV-Clinical Community Doctoral program: Since 2001:
Forensic and Objective Assessment Courses and Introduction to Psychopharmacology Course.
Professional Affiliations:
- American Psychological Association (APA)
- Society for Personality Assessment (SPA)
- California Biofeedback Society (CBS)
- Forensic Mental Health Association of CA
Practice Focus:
Psychotherapy: Cognitive-behavioral and psychophysiological treatment modalities
Behavioral Medicine/Behavioral orthopedic/rheumatoid-arthritic and fibromyalgia
Pain/stress/insomnia and PTSD Management